
JPEF conducts independent analysis and research on best practices to bring innovation and data to decision-makers, including school leaders and administrators within Duval County Public Schools and other public school operators.



今天在杜瓦尔县, 家长们比以往任何时候都有更多的选择,在教育领域进行分类被描述为一项“全职工作”.以下是一些因素和问题, based on previous conversations with parents, to consider asking schools about when making this important decision. 







In 2021, the bwin时时彩平台 convened with Kids Hope Alliance, 杜瓦尔县公立学校, 读过美国, WJCT, 杰克逊维尔公共图书馆, and others along with Lectio Consulting to plan out the initial stages of the “READJAX” Campaign, with the goal of improving 3rd grade literacy in Duval County. 这个短暂的 summarizes available background literature, 读写数据, and community data that has informed this campaign. We will continue to track the progress and impact of the campaign. 

这个短暂的, which is made possible by financial support from The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, 描述了杜瓦尔父母如何, across all demographic categories (such as race, zipcode, 和教育), 对于早期识字对日后成功的重要性有着相似的信念,但有些人可能会面临复杂的障碍,无法像他们想要的那样参与其中. 结合杜瓦尔县学生人口趋势在过去三年中变得越来越多样化和在经济上的需求, 所包括的所有数据都表明,需要集体努力,通过系统变革和学生的文化响应参与来提高整个杜瓦尔县的识字率, 老师, 和家庭.



Spring 2022: Skills of the Future, a Landscape Analysis

bwin时时彩平台借鉴了包括UNF和STEM2Hub在内的各种组织之前的研究,以确定社区利益相关者,他们可以帮助我们回答这个问题:学生需要什么技能才能在21世纪的劳动力中取得成功? JPEF对教育工作者和各种雇主进行了访谈和焦点小组,以比较他们对学生在工作中需要哪些技能以及他们在达到这些需求时面临哪些挑战的看法. JPEF还严格审查了杜瓦尔县40多个STEM和CTE项目的提供和任何公开可用的数据,以回答这个问题:杜瓦尔县的学生在STEM和CTE领域有什么机会培养兴趣和技能?

Winter 2022: Initial Findings Report: Black and Latino Men in the Classroom

2021年10月, JPEF announced a the start of a new initiative called “1,000 by 2025” with the purpose of recruiting and retaining 1,000 Black and Latino male educators by the year 2025. 尽管几十年来的研究已经将教师多样性与所有学生的利益联系起来,而且DCPS正在为越来越多的种族多样化的学生群体服务,但鉴于学生和教师种族比例不成比例的现象仍然存在, 需要做更多的工作来了解使黑人和拉丁裔教师更可能或更不可能坚持DCPS的条件. This qualitative study aimed to explore what barriers and motivations may exist for Black and Latino men in the classroom today; and what hopes and 担忧 they might have for this initiative.

Summer 2021: Case Study: Building a Trauma-Informed Public School

研究 has shown that trauma can disrupt cognitive processes that are essential for learning. The field of trauma-informed care offers hope for educators who want to better serve students who have experienced trauma. bwin时时彩平台, as an independent think-and-do tank that pilots and scales research-based practices in public schools, has been supporting principals to learn about and implement trauma-informed care in their schools. 

Spring 2021: Pandemic Recovery, Missing Students and Funding for Public Schools

全国各地, millions of students that were expected to enroll in school last Fall did not show up. Because education funding follows the student, enrollment drops could lead to funding losses that have lasting impacts on all public school students. 在本文中, bwin时时彩平台将讨论疫情对佛罗里达州学生的资助影响,并提出几项建议,以确保学生获得公平的结果.

Winter 2021: Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Duval County

Teacher recruitment and retention is a nationwide challenge, and the research shows Duval County is keeping pace with several innovative initiatives to recruit and retain 老师. 对杜瓦尔县公立学校三年数据的分析表明,在整个地区,杜瓦尔县的教师保留率每年约为84%, and about 75 percent year-to-year in the average school. The study also found a mismatch between student demographics and teacher demographics. 例如, Black students make up about 45 percent of the student body, while Black 老师 make up only 29 percent of the teacher workforce. Black male 老师 make up less than 6 percent of the teacher workforce.

June 2020: Student Achievement and  School Facilities

As a city striving for economic vibrancy and civic vitality, Jacksonville has for the last decade put public education at the top of its agenda, knowing that helping all children meet their potential will make the city stronger. 一年多了, our community has been discussing a half-penny sales tax to repair and replace our aging school buildings. Duval County has the oldest school buildings in the state of Florida, and 30% are in poor or very poor condition.

March 2018: Millennials in the Teaching Profession

Teaching has largely lost its luster to the millennial generation, with declining enrollment in colleges of education across the country. According to JPEF's 2017-18 Public Education Perceptions Poll, millennials residing in Jacksonville believe, 平均, that 老师 deserve a significantly higher salary than community members who are 65 and older. How can education systems recruit and retain new 老师 from the millennial generation? This one-pager offers three recommendations.

March 2018: 18 Teachers of the Year: Their Unique Perspective on Teacher Quality

什么是高质量的教师? From our survey of the 2017-2018 school-level Teachers of the Year, three key themes emerged to answer the question of what it means to be a high-quality educator. From their responses—a high-quality teacher should be able to (1) understand the individual needs of their students, (2) build strong relationships with students and their families and (3) drive positive academic results. 在此下载教师素质简介.

January 2018: How is Teacher Quality Measured?

Teachers are the single most important school-based factor for student achievement. That is why we need high quality 老师 in front of our children who are prepared to deliver high quality instruction and support. 实施一套多指标评估体系,其中包括以证据为基础的适当组成部分,是更准确地了解教学质量和教师在课堂上产生的影响的最佳途径. Student learning growth and classroom observations are two of the most critical components. Student surveys are as a strong third component for teacher evaluations. Download the teacher evaluation one-pager here.

April 2017: Leadership in Focus: Choosing the Next Superintendent

Duval County Public Schools finds itself at a crossroads with the impending departure of Superintendent Nikolai Vitti. Following significant improvements to public education since 2012, where does Duval go from here? How will the Duval County School Board go about appointing a successor? What are some of the key factors that make for a successful superintendent search, and what are the lessons learned from previous searches? This report reviews the background of the previous search, considerations for today’s context and reviews research on what makes for a good match between school boards and superintendents.

June 2016: Stronger Together: Diversity in Duval Public Schools

有相当多的证据表明,学校中社会经济和种族的多样性越大,学生的学业和社会成就就越好. 但在我们自己的社区, we often find ourselves geographically separated by race and income level. While exploring Duval County school enrollment patterns, 我们发现,非裔美国学生比其他种族的学生更有可能进入没有种族多样性的学校.  在此下载多元化简报 




School grades were introduced in Florida in 1999, the first such A – F model for reporting on school accountability in the nation. 学校成绩的目的是为了方便家长和市民了解和比较学校在学业上的表现, and to compel low-performing schools to improve. 在本文中, we take a closer look at how the school grades calculation formula works, 指出近年来一些最突出的混淆问题的根源,并就如何解决这些问题提供建议,以避免今后出现进一步的问题. 在此下载学校成绩摘要



The landscape of school choice options in public education has been expanding faster than ever over the past decade, 全国范围内,尤其是佛罗里达州. 随着这种扩张,家长和监护人在为孩子寻找最好的学校时,必须学会如何做出一系列前所未有的新决定. Options available to students now — from traditional neighborhood schools to charter schools, 虚拟学校和私立学校, among others — can differ greatly in terms of curriculum and testing requirements, 课堂教学结构, 申请程序, 家长要求及更多. This report takes a closer look at the evolution and impact of various school choice options in Duval County. 在此下载择校摘要

2013年春季: Patching the Pipeline: Addressing Teacher Satisfaction and Retention in Duval County

What exactly do we know about what’s happening with the 老师 we have now? 在这份报告中, we take a closer look at what is happening in Duval County by examining placement, movement and retention patterns of over 2,在过去的十年里,我们增加了1万名新教师. We found that Duval County is losing 平均 about one of every two new 老师 within the first five years of their employment. Download the Patching the Pipeline brief here.

Fall 2012: ONE by ONE: Defining Jacksonville's Priorities for Education 


2011年秋天, bwin时时彩平台在数十名志愿者的帮助下,开始努力进入我们社区的每一个角落,第一手地听到人们的希望, 担忧, questions and ideas that the citizens of Duval County have for the future of education in our community – in their own words. 在过去的一年里, and 161 face-to-face conversations with nearly 1,600个社区成员住在家里, 企业, 教堂, and other organizations throughout every region of the county — we have done just that. 在这份报告中, we present the findings of what was heard. 

Spring 2012: To Graduation and Beyond: College and Career Readiness in Duval County

Technological advances over the last few decades have revolutionized the way we live, work and interact at an unprecedented pace. 结果是, 我们的经济格局也经历了对高技能工人的需求的快速转变,这些工人至少拥有高中以上的高级或专业教育. 本期, we take a closer look at what it means to be college and career ready, and what Duval County Public Schools (DCPS) is doing to promote postsecondary readiness for all its students. 我们发现了一些令人信服的统计数据和改革的关键领域,需要为DCPS和其他地区的所有学生创建一个战略性和支持性的大学入学管道. Download the College and Career Readiness Brief Here.


In 2010, 69% of 3rd graders in Duval County Public Schools were reading on or above grade level by the end of the year. At the same time, this could be said of only 33% of our 10th graders. 小学和高中之间到底发生了什么,导致我们学生的阅读成绩水平急剧下降, and what can we learn from studying this trend about how to better support and improve their performance all the way through school? Download the Reading Proficiency Brief Here


自2008年以来, significant reductions in state spending have caused serious cuts to public education in Duval County. School funding is a volatile and emotional issue, and it is complicated. 在本文中, bwin时时彩平台提出了事实:杜瓦尔县公立学校没有足够的资金来充分执行州和联邦的命令,除了州宪法要求提供“制服”之外, 安全, 安全, and high quality system of free public schools" for all students.



每年从2013年到2019年, JPEF对杜瓦尔县居民进行了民意调查,以了解他们对公共教育的看法以及他们对公立学校的优先考虑. See how the community feels from year to year about the education system in Duval County.




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.